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Senshyu winter onion sets are flat yellow onions that can be planted from mid-September to the end of October.
By planting winter onions you make optimal use of your space in the vegetable garden during the winter months. The onions can be harvested from June and July, or harvest earlier as spring onions.
Filling weight ±250 grams = approx. 40-60 onions
Senshyu winter onion sets are flat yellow onions that can be planted from mid-September to the end of October.
By planting winter onions you make optimal use of your space in the vegetable garden during the winter months. The onions can be harvested from June and July, or harvest earlier as spring onions.
Filling weight ±250 grams = approx. 40-60 onions
Choose a sunny and warm location where the soil doesn't get too wet. Plant the onion approximately 2.5 to 5 cm deep in rows with a planting distance of 10 cm and 15 cm between the rows. If needed, provide sufficient watering during the first few weeks after planting, so that the onion can root well.
Fertilize onion sets only with potassium-rich and low-nitrogen fertilizers. This ensures better tuber formation, resistance and durability of the onion.
Do not use nitrogen-rich manure such as compost, farmyard manure or cow manure pellets, this will do more harm than good. A lot of nitrogen will cause the onions to create a lot of leaves but little tuber formation. If necessary, place insect gauze over the onions so that the birds cannot reach them.
The onion can be harvested from the end of May. Harvesting earlier is of course also possible, but then the onions are more the size of spring onions.
After harvesting, dry the onions well, this takes about 4 weeks. Tie and /or twist the leaves/tops of the onions together and dry the onions hanging. After 4 weeks, the leaves and roots can be removed and the onion sets can be stored in a cool and dark place.
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Senshyu winter onion sets are flat yellow onions that can be planted from mid-September to the end of October.
By planting winter onions you make optimal use of your space in the vegetable garden during the winter months. The onions can be harvested from June and July, or harvest earlier as spring onions.
Filling weight ±250 grams = approx. 40-60 onions