Sweet Peas (Lathyrus)

Sweet Peas (Lathyrus) - Flower seeds Seeds • Tuinzaden.eu

Sweet Peas (Lathyrus)

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Buy Lathyrus sweet pea seeds

Looking for lathyrus seeds? Then you have come to the right place at Tuinzaden.eu with more than 30 varieties of sweet pea seeds in many different colours.

The flowers of Lathyrus sweet peas attract many pollinating insects such as bees. In this way you help nature and the plants in your vegetable garden are also pollinated.

When to sow sweet peas seeds

Sow Lathyrus sweet pea seeds from the end of February to May directly in the open ground. It is recommended to pre-soak the seeds for 24 hours to speed up germination. Average germination time is 1-2 weeks

Alternatively, you can sow Lathyrus seeds in the autumn (September-October) in a sheltered position. In this way a good root system is already formed and the sweet peas will flower even earlier.