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Grow your tomato plants from seeds yourself! Tomatoes are easy, very tasty and fun to grow yourself. By growing tomatoes from seeds, your choice of the different tomato varieties is much greater. Enjoy delicious tomatoes all summer long.
Terrace or balcony? Then choose a low bush tomato, you do not have to thieves it. Healthy snack in between? Then choose a mini snack tomato plant.

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Buy tomato seeds online
Looking for tomato seeds to sow in your vegetable garden, greenhouse or on the balcony? At Tuinzaden.eu you have come to the right place, we have a large assortment with more than 60 different tomato varieties from different seed breeders. Beautiful round tomatoes, pomodori, beef tomatoes, vine tomatoes, compact balcony tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, you name it. Take a quick look in our webshop and buy your tomato seeds today!
Grow your own tomatoes?
Pick a snack tomato every now and then, tomatoes are very tasty and fun to grow yourself. By growing tomatoes from seed, your choice of the different tomato varieties is much greater. Enjoy delicious tomatoes all summer long.
Popular tomato varieties
Tomatoes come in many shapes, colors and sizes. The most popular tomato varieties are:
- Moneymaker - the name says it all: very high yield
- Principe Borghese - pomodori vine tomato
- Ruby Red - low compact tomato in front of pots
- Gardeners Delight - productive sweet cherry tomato
- Yellow Pear-shaped - small yellow pear-shaped tomatoes
- Bistecca - large size beef tomato
- Supersweet 100 - large bunches of deliciously sweet cherry tomatoes
Grow tomato plants directly in a 40 liter bag of potting soil. The clean soil means there is less risk of disease, sufficient nutrients for the entire season without additional fertilization and rotation is not necessary. You can also place 3 plant halos on these holes so that the tomatoes always get enough water.
Sowing manual tomato seeds
How do I sow tomato seeds? How to grow tomatoes?
It is best to pre-sow tomato seeds indoors in a propagator in February-April. Sow the tomato seeds in moist soil about 2 cm apart. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of seed soil (maximum 1/2 cm) and spray the soil with a plant sprayer. Use a lid on the propagator so that the soil does not dry out and the temperature does not drop too much, especially at night. Place the propagator in a warm, light spot, because tomato seeds only germinate at a constant temperature of 20-25 ° C.
After 1-2 weeks, the first tomato seeds will germinate. When the seedlings have about 2 real tomato leaves (not the germ leaves) you can transplant the seedlings into separate pots. Be careful, the small plants are still very fragile. Do not use too large pots, as soon as the roots come out of the bottom of the pot, you can repot the seedlings again.
Start hardening off the tomato plants in May by placing them outside in a sunny sheltered place for 2 weeks during the day. As soon as the chance of night frost has passed, you can transplant the plants directly into the ground or grow them further in large pots. Provide adequate support with the help of bamboo sticks. Regularly remove the suckers in the armpits, so-called thieves. In addition, remove the top from the tomato plant at the desired height, usually after the 4th or 5th truss.
Frequently asked questions about tomato seeds
Below you will find a list of the most frequently asked questions with answers about sowing and growing tomato seeds yourself. Before sowing your seeds, always read the enclosed sowing instructions on the packaging for your specific tomato variety.
When to sow tomato seeds?
Tomato seeds can be pre-sown indoors in a growing tray from February to April.
When do tomato seeds germinate?
Tomato seeds germinate after about 1-2 weeks if the temperature is around 20-25 ° C.
What is the best germination temperature for tomato seeds?
Tomato seeds germinate at a soil temperature of 20-25 ° C.
How deep should I sow tomato seeds?
Do not sow the tomato seeds too deeply, cover the seeds with a thin layer of seed soil (maximum 1/2 cm) and spray with a plant spray.
When can I transplant the tomato seedlings?
When the seedlings have about 2 real tomato leaves (not the germ leaves) you can transplant the seedlings into separate pots. Be careful, the small plants are still very fragile.
How can I harden off tomato plants?
Start hardening off the tomato plants in May by putting them outside in a sunny sheltered place for 2 weeks during the day.
What is the planting distance for tomato plants?
Plant the tomato plant outside in the garden with a mutual planting distance of 50cm.
What is the best location for tomato plants?
Tomato plants like a warm, sunny and sheltered place. Provide sufficient support with, for example, bamboo sticks.
How do I take care of tomato plants?
Place tomato plants in a warm, sunny spot. Water the soil regularly and do not let the soil dry out.
What is the best soil and / or soil type for tomato plants?
Use nutritious, well-draining potting soil. Extra fertilization can be given in poor soil.
When can I harvest the tomatoes?
The first tomatoes can be harvested in July-September. Remove the tomatoes from the truss or use scissors.
What are good and bad neighbors of tomato plants? Which plants can be combined with tomato plants? Combination cultivation of tomatoes?
Some combinations of plants can reinforce and stimulate each other. Other combinations of plants weaken each other or influence each other negatively. To optimally utilize the advantages of this so-called combination cultivation (good neighbors), it is best to sow in rows. Alternately grow two mutually reinforcing crops in each row. It is even better to combine tall and low plants, for example, smart combinations yield better growth, yield and taste.
Tomato plants are good neighbors of, so do well alongside: parsley, onions, basil, chives, garlic and marigolds.
Avoid combining tomatoes with fennel, kohlrabi, these are bad neighbors .
Is crop rotation necessary for tomato plants?
It is advisable to also use alternate cultivation with tomato plants. This means that you grow the tomato plants in a place where no other tomato plants have been in the past 5 years. Or better yet, where no related plants such as potatoes, aubergines, peppers and peppers have been. This reduces the risk of diseases and ensures that the tomato plant has enough nutrients.
Another option for tomato plants is to grow them in pots. A last inventive solution is to grow tomato plants directly in a 40 liter potting soil bag. Lay the bag of potting compost flat on the ground, make 3 holes in the bag and plant the seedlings directly in these holes. You can also place 3 plant halos on these holes so that the tomatoes also always get enough water.
Should I thieves tomato plants?
Tomato plants can be divided into 2 types, stem tomatoes and bush tomatoes. The bush tomatoes are low-growing tomato varieties that you do not have to thieves. This tomato variety is particularly suitable for growing in pots and on the balcony.
The vast other part are stem tomatoes. This species must be supported, loved and capped with bamboo sticks. In the Dutch climate, the growing season is too short to allow the tomatoes on all side branches to mature and ripen. It is therefore important to thief and top tomato plants. This way the tomatoes on the main branch can grow well and ripen before the plant dies.
Thieving tomato plants is easy. Remove the shoots in the axils of the leaves so that there is a main trunk without side branches.
What is thieves?
The thieving of tomato plants is to remove the shoots in the axils of the leaves. In this way a main trunk without side branches remains. This ensures that all tomatoes on the main branches receive enough nutrients to mature properly, have larger trusses and can ripen in time before the plant dies.
What is topping or capping tomato plants?
In addition to supporting stem tomatoes, tomato plants must also be topped. For most varieties, top off the plant after the fourth or fifth cluster of tomatoes. Simply cut the top off above the last two leaves above the last cluster.
If you let the plant continue to grow, it can become meters high. However, it is unlikely that all tomatoes will mature and ripen in time before the plant dies.
Can I grow tomatoes in a bag of potting soil?
Growing tomato plants in bags of 40 liters of potting soil is a good solution for a number of things:
- the clean soil reduces the risk of diseases
- with good potting soil, enough nutrients for the entire season
- crop rotation is not necessary
Lay the bag of 40 liters of potting compost flat on the ground, make 3 holes in the bag and plant the seedlings directly in these holes. You can also place 3 plant halos on these holes so that the tomatoes also always get enough water.