Cichorium endivia Nuance endive is a variety that is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation. Endive Nuance gives nice heavy, uniform, yellow-green heads.
Endive Nuance is a real Gardener variety and is less sensitive to blemishes
Cichorium endivia Nuance endive is a variety that is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation. Endive Nuance gives nice heavy, uniform, yellow-green heads.
Endive Nuance is a real Gardener variety and is less sensitive to blemishes
Sowing: Mid summer in seedbed in open ground, prick out once and transplant outdoors or sow directly outdoors in rows and thin out.
For professional growers: Early sowing: Mid spring in frames, when soil temperature is about 14-16°C, prick out once and plant out in frames.
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Cichorium endivia Nuance endive is a variety that is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation. Endive Nuance gives nice heavy, uniform, yellow-green heads.
Endive Nuance is a real Gardener variety and is less sensitive to blemishes