Custard White are beautiful edible white Patissons. These patissons are also known as flying saucer courgettes. Harvest the fruits early for the best taste and yield, suitable for decoration or stuffing at a later stage.
For the best taste, harvest the patisson at a young stage (10cm diameter).
This patisson is ideal in small gardens, because the plant forms little to no tendrils and will take up less 1 m2.
Custard White are beautiful edible white Patissons. These patissons are also known as flying saucer courgettes. Harvest the fruits early for the best taste and yield, suitable for decoration or stuffing at a later stage.
For the best taste, harvest the patisson at a young stage (10cm diameter).
This patisson is ideal in small gardens, because the plant forms little to no tendrils and will take up less 1 m2.
From mid-April under glass, transplant into pots and plant out in the open ground in mid-May.
1. The seedbed should be sheltered and in partial shade; prepare the soil by digging it so that the excess water can drain off easily. Loosen and structure the soil by mixing the soil with peat litter and / or organic fertilizer.
2. Scatter the patisson seeds as evenly as possible.
3. Keep the sowing moist for the first few days. You can also use moist cloths for this. Do not let the soil dry out.
4. Keeps the seedbed free of weeds.
5. After emergence, transplant the plants to their final destination with a planting distance of 40 x 40cm.
A good harvest and healthy crops often depend on the right combinations. Some crops can reinforce each other by avoiding diseases or insect damage, while other combinations have an unfavorable effect on each other. Patisson Courgettes combine well with corn, lettuce, endive, beans, peas, beetroot, onion, leek, carrot and nasturtium. However, do not sow them too close to cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes.
Custard White are beautiful edible white Patissons. These patissons are also known as flying saucer courgettes. Harvest the fruits early for the best taste and yield, suitable for decoration or stuffing at a later stage.
For the best taste, harvest the patisson at a young stage (10cm diameter).
This patisson is ideal in small gardens, because the plant forms little to no tendrils and will take up less 1 m2.