Pointed cabbage Express Greyhound is an excellent pointed cabbage suitable for early summer cultivation. It is a fast-growing variety that produces large, pointed cabbages with few outer leaves.
The taste is excellent. Delicious to stir-fry in a wok dish or raw in a salad with, for example, raisins and apple.
Pointed cabbage Express Greyhound is an excellent pointed cabbage suitable for early summer cultivation. It is a fast-growing variety that produces large, pointed cabbages with few outer leaves. The taste is excellent. Delicious to stir-fry in a wok dish or raw in a salad with, for example, raisins and apple.
Sow the white cabbage seeds under glass in February-mid-March, then prick out and plant outside in March-April. Or sow outdoors from April-May, prick out and plant out at a planting distance of 50x50cm. Pointed cabbage grows well on all types of soil, but growth can sometimes be slow on heavy (clay) soils. Give the pointed cabbage plants plenty of water in drier periods; the soil must always remain moist to prevent growth problems. On soils that dry out quickly, there is a chance that the coals will burst.
The large pointed cabbages can be harvested from July to mid-August.
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Pointed cabbage Express Greyhound is an excellent pointed cabbage suitable for early summer cultivation. It is a fast-growing variety that produces large, pointed cabbages with few outer leaves.
The taste is excellent. Delicious to stir-fry in a wok dish or raw in a salad with, for example, raisins and apple.