Kardons or cardon is an old perennial vegetable from the Mediterranean region, particularly popular in Italy and France.
The (preferably young) bleached leaf ribs of Cardon are blanched or boiled and eaten as a vegetable. The taste of the cardon is most similar to artichokes, somewhat bittersweet in taste.
Kardons or cardon is an old perennial vegetable from the Mediterranean region, particularly popular in Italy and France.
The (preferably young) bleached leaf ribs of Cardon are blanched or boiled and eaten as a vegetable. The taste of the cardon is most similar to artichokes, somewhat bittersweet in taste.
Sow the seeds of the Kardonzen or Cardoon from March - April in pots and plant out in mid-May.
Cardoon is a perennial, but must be covered in winter. From the end of August, tie the stems together and cover with black foil. Can be harvested 3-4 weeks later.
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Kardons or cardon is an old perennial vegetable from the Mediterranean region, particularly popular in Italy and France.
The (preferably young) bleached leaf ribs of Cardon are blanched or boiled and eaten as a vegetable. The taste of the cardon is most similar to artichokes, somewhat bittersweet in taste.