Seed mixture of annual flowers with a special attraction to butterflies, bees and insects. The seed mixture quickly creates a carpet of flowers in an open space in your garden
The effect is fantastic. And not only this year but also next year, because the flowers self-seed. Allow all flowers to fully bloom so that they can quietly set seed. Sow generously
Seed mixture of annual flowers with a special attraction to butterflies, bees and insects. The seed mixture quickly creates a carpet of flowers in an open space in your garden
The effect is fantastic. And not only this year but also next year, because the flowers self-seed. Allow all flowers to fully bloom so that they can quietly set seed. Sow generously
Sow seeds directly in the intended place from mid-April - end of May. Sow in rows or widely in various places so that your entire garden becomes attractive to bees and butterflies.
The butterfly flower seed mixture varies somewhat throughout the year but usually contains the following types of flowers:
Anethum graveolens
Malva sylvestris
Borage officinalis
Lavandula vera
Trifolium pratense
Lotus corniculatus
Melilotus alba
Vicia sativa
Sinapis alba
Agrostemma githago
Coreopsis tinctoria
Callistephus chinensis
Centaurea cyanus
Chrysnathemum segetum
Cynoglossum amabile
Delphinium consolida
Eschscholtzia californica
Iberis umbellata
Linum rubrum
Linum usitatissimum
Papaver rhoeas
Phalaris canariensis
Phlox drummondii
Reseda odorata< br />Tropaeolum majus
Verbena tenuisecta
Zinnia elegans
Fagopyrum esculentum
Phacelia tanacetifolia
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Seed mixture of annual flowers with a special attraction to butterflies, bees and insects. The seed mixture quickly creates a carpet of flowers in an open space in your garden
The effect is fantastic. And not only this year but also next year, because the flowers self-seed. Allow all flowers to fully bloom so that they can quietly set seed. Sow generously