String bean Hunter is a nice, cordless and productive medium length string bean.
String beans require a humus-rich, slightly moist soil, but no fresh manure. They need a lot of heat during germination and in the first growth period.
String bean Hunter is a nice, cordless and productive medium length string bean.
String beans require a humus-rich, slightly moist soil, but no fresh manure. They need a lot of heat during germination and in the first growth period.
- sow from early April to mid-July.
Open field cultivation:
- for early cultivation sow under glass from the end of April, plant out in the second half of May.
- Sow outdoors from mid-May to early July.
Use 3-5 seeds per stick, the distance between the sticks is 70 cm. Tie 3 or 4 sticks together to form a loft. The distance between the lofts is approximately 50 cm.
French beans can also be grown on a rope in a sheltered place or in the greenhouse.
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String bean Hunter is a nice, cordless and productive medium length string bean.
String beans require a humus-rich, slightly moist soil, but no fresh manure. They need a lot of heat during germination and in the first growth period.