Yellow Cream Alpine Strawberries have a really delicious taste! The tasty sweet strawberries are easy to grow on the windowsill or on the balcony. An advantage of the white, yellow strawberries is that the birds do not touch them.
Yellow Cream Alpine Strawberries have a really delicious taste! The tasty sweet strawberries are easy to grow on the windowsill or on the balcony. An advantage of the white, yellow strawberries is that the birds do not touch them.
Sow strawberry seeds indoors in March-April in a seed tray filled with sowing soil. Strawberry seeds are very small, so do not cover the seeds with soil, but press them slightly with the inside of your hand. Slightly mist the strawberry seeds with lukewarm water. Then cover the seed tray with transparant foil or a transparent lid because strawberries are light germinators/sprouts.
The best sowing temperature is 20 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the seeds do not dry out and, if necessary, mist again. As soon as the first green tips of the seedlings appear, remove the transparant foil or lid.
TIP! : For best results, use a small propagator with transparent lid.
At first two small sprouting leaves will appear. As soon as the first two real strawberry leaves appear, you can transplant the seedlings. Spread the plants wider apart or transplanting them into separate pots.
If the plants are approximately 4 cm in size, plant the strawberry plants per 2 pieces outdoors. Keep a planting distance between the groups of 50 x 30 cm. Water regularly.
Before the plants start to flower and bear fruit, the plants must first grow well. In the first year the plants only bloom in the fall, in the following years most strawberries bloom from May-June. In the summer you can harvest. The flowering period and harvest period may differ per species.
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Yellow Cream Alpine Strawberries have a really delicious taste! The tasty sweet strawberries are easy to grow on the windowsill or on the balcony. An advantage of the white, yellow strawberries is that the birds do not touch them.